"when my good friends CEDRIC HAUGHTON and ANTHONY HENDRICKSON asked me to collaborate with them on their FALL 2010 LOOK BOOK VIDEO for their line THIRDFLOORNEWYORK…i was more than ready and willing.
for years, these two gentleman have been killing the game with their own style…making fashion statements that everyone eventually follows. so, when they both decided to start their own collection, it was no surprise – and highly anticipated!
we played with themes of loss of innocence, vanity, religion, self-torture, and finally supplication/enlightenment…"
Information Courtesy Of: www.vashtie.com
The First Lady Of LiveStyle Says: It's only right that we give recognition when it's due here @ LiveStyle. With that being said, my main man 100 grand/partner in crime at St. Johns/very good friend Tyler White, was featured in a Va$htie production and I didn't know! WHAT!? Y.O.U. have no idea how proud I am. It's like watching your kids first little league game, except this THIRDFLOOR NEW YORK Fall 2010 Look Book video is the major leagues! LOL! It feels like yesterday Tyler and I were in Crazy April's English comp class working on iSearch projects asking ourselves the question "Should I Model?" I have yet to experience a similar pose striking success story but, I am more than happy to watch him follow his dreams. Hard work and determination pays off folks! LiveStyle is a lifestyle! Know that!
Signing Off...
UPDATE: CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Yeah, well, while I readily acknowledge that this campaign looks a little too "apple turnover-ish" (READ: SUPER GAY) for the upright Livestyle brand and, arguably, violates ever last one of our typically stringent standards and practices, I too know what it is to be proud of your family and friends regardless of what they do. Fuck it, Va$htie shot this too. Aisha gets a pass ... lol.
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