Friday, June 4, 2010

Random Acts Of Flyness: Me, Mr. 401K x Some Of "The Great Ones" (NOTE: This Aint Even The Half!)

(L to R: Me, your esteemed Livestyle personal refinement lifestyle coach and my longest-running-friend-and-brother-from-another-mother the incomparable Mr. 401K @ my vintage clothing photoshoot circa sometime last Summer. NOTE: A picture is worth 1,000 words. The memories, however, are priceless antiquities that serve as religious monuments to a life that only real niggas could have ever known. Shout out to O.G. Shillz ... I know Y.O.U. can appreciate this. *Cue drunken and belligerent Tony Montana restaurant rant voice* "Is this what it's all about?" Yes. Holla @ ya boy in BK!)


Per Livestyle Executive Order 1988-92, it is incumbent upon me to recognize and make clear any recondite references made within any given post.

Whereas I quoted the great American actor Al Pacino in his legendary role as the original "thug motivator" (NOTE: Sorry Jeezy), Tony Montana, from the 1983 cinematic triumph that is "Scarface", I am now bound by duty to include this video presentation of the aforementioned scene.

I personally regard this to be quite simply 1 of the greatest monologues ever committed to film. "Say goodnight to the bad guy". Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? Y.O.U. know what time it is homeboy. Stop playing.

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