Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fool's Day 2010 AKA The Joke's On Y.O.U.!

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Once a year, each April 1st, millions upon millions of postulant pranksters and professional disc jockeys around the globe get a chance to roll out their best jokes @ the expense of the rest of humanity. Yes, every April Fool's Day boyfriends and girlfriends regularly trick each other with tongue-in-cheek lies that otherwise would be met with swift reprisal, but, today, (hopefully) get laughed off as sneaky knee-slappers ... lol.

Hey, I get it guys ... I'm just not too good @ (NOTE: nor interested in) coming up with all kinds of elaborate hoaxes unless I am covering up a serious crime ... lol. Have your fun people and I will keep my eyes peeled for anybody suspicious trying to offer me some fake Wrigley's Doublemint® electric shock gag gum ... lol. HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY 2010! Cheers!

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