Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Launch x A Special LiveStyle "Respect The Architects" Commentary.

The First Lady Of LiveStyle Says: Well well well, looks like 'Ye has officially left his Graduation themed KanyeUniverseCity behind and moved forward to the more modern Lo and behold, his cybertron girfriend, Amber Rose, is featured front and center welcoming Y.O.U. to "The Wonderful World Of Kanye West V2.0". She's sporting a knee brace similar to mine! Except I can't hold a yoga position to save my life..LOL! Oh yeah, be forewarned that this is NOT the most user friendly website ever ... lol. You'll figure it out though.

Anyway, besides that frame of Amber and the frustrating set up, Mr. West also put out a video for "Coldest Winter." The concept isn't what Y.O.U. would expect to see, but then again, what else, but the "unexpected" can Y.O.U. expect from 'Ye? Thought I'd share.

Signing Off... After much too long..

I just found some hidden links in the white space. Explore! ;c )

Respect The Architects:
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Ahhhhhhhhhhh, to be young and fascinated by creative efforts that, while NOT advertised as completely new, rarely, if ever, give proper credit to the awesome feats of imagination that have inspired them.

Now, the previous statement is in no way meant to belittle the youth for their inexperience (NOTE: Which is totally relative because I know enough now to know that I don't know nearly enough @ all ... lol), rather it is an acknowledgement of the great possibilities presented to us when today's artists reference the past. Much like the often long forgotten records that Kanye West and other superproducers sample and chop into reanimated pop music versions of their fomer selves, each time that any of today's artists extract from the past said artist's fans become encouraged to explore exciting new worlds and connect-the-dots of brilliance that surround us everyday. As chief curator of the Livestyle brand I relish the opportunity to help Y.O.U. connect such dots every chance that I get. The pleasure is all mine.

Kanye West regularly steps out of Hip Hop's narrow "box" to embrace different ideologies and allow his artistic side to be aroused by a limitless range of beauty and for that we should ALL be grateful. *Cue Jay-Z "A Star Is Born" Voice* "Clap for him".

Soooooooooooooo, today, Kanye and his sexxy redbone Strangé took a cue from the REAL Strangé - the incomperable Grace Jones. Know the ledge.

“Good artists copy, great artists steal” - Picasso

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