Sunday, January 31, 2010

Behind The Scenes: Rosa Acosta Junior's Photoshoot (Video x Pics) Live From Brooklyn, NY @ IECStudios.Com x Dynastyseries.Com.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: The current pound-for-pound heavyweight champion of the "video vixen" game (NOTE: Boasting an impressive CompuFox™ score plus/minus rating +30 points higher than that of her nearest ranking competitor, not to mention also probably better than your best Big Buck Hunter® score ... lol), Rosa Acosta shows no signs of slowing the hoeing down!

Yes, this B.ehind T.he S.cenes video a recent photoshoot with IEC Studios and Dynastyseries.Com on location in Brooklyn, NY in front of the world famous Mecca of cheesecake, Junior's, is a few months old, yet, nevertheless, it still begs the question: Where the fuck was I when this all went down? I want answers people! LOL. Good shit!

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  1. OMG!! my G! she was down the block from mi casa and i DID NOT KNOW! #FML !

  2. Yeah, we both caught a #FAIL on this 1 yo ... lol.
