Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bombs Over Broad Street!

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Oh my! With my laser-like concentration on hand selecting the finest curvaceous cuties from across the web to bring Y.O.U. the weekly event that is the ASStounding The Brunch Bunch, I somehow neglected to mention that my Yankees beat up on the Phillies last night in Game 3 of the 2009 World Series.

Alex Rodriguez, Nick Swisher and Hideki Matsui all homered for the Yankees and, I don't even know how this happened, but, Andy Pettitte singled in a run in a 5th inning come-from-behind rally! Yeah, it was that kind of game my nigga. Final score 8-5.

Winston AKA BK Brawler look-a-like and ace pitcher C.C. Sabathia pitches tonight off of 3 days rest. Game 4 let's take them to war! That is all.

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