Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Addition By Subtraction.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Do Y.O.U. see the kind of unnecessary damage that can happen when Y.O.U. don't heed my invaluable advice? Apparently, A.J. Burnett totally did NOT read my personal message to him yesterday and, instead, chose to go it alone in a pitching farce that cost my Yankees the win last night. Yeah, yeah, yeah, naturally it would be nice to clinch the championship @ home tonight - especially considering that this is the inaugural season @ the new Yankees Stadium - but, I don't believe in leaving a wounded animal to survive. We should have gone for the kill!

Taking the place of previous pitiful pin stripped candidates, Mark Teixeira chose to continue to stink it up last night as he floundered @ the plate, getting no hits and, fittingly, earning the last strike out to end the game. The final score was 8-6. The faggot ass Phillies won.

Am I scared homie? Nah, not @ all. I'm just a spoiled New Yorker who's tired of toying with these trivial Phillies fans. Don't trip yall, Game 6 of the 2009 World Series is Wednesday night and home is where the heart is! GO YANKS!

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