Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chris Brown x Rihanna - The Way We Used To Be (YouTube Fan Submitted Video)

The 1st Lady of LiveStyle Says: Chris Brown recently made a statement on Twitter after a fan created and posted this video saying, "FOR THE FELLAS: showing emotion doesn't make u weak... BEING HONEST MAKES U STRONG." Hear, hear, young Mr. Brown could not have said it any better - looking @ him showing some much needed maturity. Inspite of all the bulls#!t, it had to be heart breaking for him to sit back and watch the memories come to surface so vividly. I was even hesitant to post this, but for once my heart honestly goes out to the kid. Y.O.U. can clearly see young L.O.V.E. once again homie. In due time Breezy, in due time. ;c ) 

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