Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dame Dash Presents: The Black Roc Project.

Blakroc Project from Myrhax on Vimeo.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Whilst I have NEVER been a fan of the way that Dame Dash conducts much of his business, it would be intellectually dishonest of me - or anybody else for that matter - to question his obsession with excellence and, more importantly, his hunger to break ground with each new venture. Now, whether or not his new independent record label and this Black Roc Project will be a success is another thing. Will Dame's "wack juice" breach the already weakened levees of public interest with regard to anything that he does and drown this rap/rock album before it even drops? More as this story develops. Ehhhhhhhhhhh, maybe not. I'm already done with this shit ... I stopped caring somewhere between the 1st and the 2nd sentence ... lol. True story.

In Related News:
Jay-Z And Arnold Drummond Respond To News Of Dame Dash's New Project.

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