Saturday, August 1, 2009

When It All Falls Down: The Drizzy Drake Edition.

"Hold Up! This nigga really got a bad knee! I thought that shit was only on a T.V. show!" - Lil' Wayne

All bullshit aside, I'm sending my thoughts out to Drake and hoping for a speedy recovery. What you just saw is NO joke. After having BROKEN my kneecap, torn my ACL, having 2 screws put in my bone all in the process of 3 surgeries, and a mean scar later, I can honestly say I FEEL his pain. Physical therapy is going to be a bitch, but trust me, he needs it. Because if it happens again, there might be a chance of him becoming Wheelchair Drake in reality. Lets just hope not. Leave him be people.

Signing Off...

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Ummmmmmmm, Drake seems to be reprising his beloved role as "Wheelchair Jimmy" from Canada's answer to Dawson's Creek, the über popular Degrassi High. Maybe he is a serious method actor ... either that or his "swagger" (NOTE: Yes, I still despise the whoring out of this term) levels are so depleted that he can barely stand on stage. In light of his obvious deficiencies and his latest "stage dive", please accept this BONUS video presentation. LOL. Message To Aisha AKA Little Sis AKA Ms. Overly Sympathetic Drizzy Drake Fan: Don't mind this post. I keed. I keed.


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