"Still paying tribute to the 80's, a decade that defined Hip Hop and NYC in so many ways, Double Down NYC brings you a polo shirt that has sparked almost as much controversy as the epidemic that almost crushed a city. Each one of these finely crafted polo shirts in Blue, Burgundy, Gold and Yellow, The left chest applique is a plastic container that resembles a crack vial with imitation "rocks" inside. This is by no means an endorsement of a drug that wreaked so much havoc, more a symbol of the soaring rise and crumbling fall of every cycle in our mad society."
Information Courtesy Of: Digitalgravel.Com
Available Online Here: Digitalgravel.Com
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: I came of age in New York City during what has become every filthy Hipsters current favorite era to imitate - the gloriously corrupt and decadently dangerous 1980's. From Mayor Koch to David Dinkins, little changed and my beloved Brooklyn streets stayed littered with broken glass, shell casings, crack vials and 1-900 phone sex cards, many of which I SWEAR looked just like dollar bills! Y.O.U. know what I'm talking about! LOL.
Anyway, generally speaking, every generation has a tendency to romantically reimagine the "bad old days" as the "good old days" when looking back @ their youth - that much is relative. Where we differ is that the 1980's really were RAD AS FUCK! There is a special place in H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks reserved for all posers and desperate Trendoid cyborgs whom feast on and attempt to sneak thief our rich culture ... Die Yuppie/Buppie/Art Fag scum! Die! Forgive my brief rant Livestyle readers, however, please understand that I am nothing if not passionate about the history of Old New York.
That having been said, imagine my delight when I received an email from the good people @ Digital Gravel this morning pitching me the Double Down NYC "Jumbo" Crack Vial Polo Shirt. As if salvaged from the stained and cigarette burned shag rug in an O.G. fiends apartment and lovingly stuffed into mock red tops for public consumption, this ingenious rugby (available in 4 colorways) features a subtle yet bold old school crack vial applique on the chest. Whoa! Chris Live is a handsome hustler ... I L.O.V.E. to look good in the hood. Besides, the crack boom wasn't so b-a-d, remember how cheap VCR's were going for in the streets? LOL.
Now, admittedly, from the pictures alone, the cut on this shirt does look a little long on the short sleeves and a tad-bit short on the actual collar-to-hem body length. Be that as it may, I still fuxs with this $80 "88" ready rock inspired ready to wear release. This is like C.ash M.oney B.rothers meets Brooks Brothers my G! Word to Nino Brown!
Anyway, generally speaking, every generation has a tendency to romantically reimagine the "bad old days" as the "good old days" when looking back @ their youth - that much is relative. Where we differ is that the 1980's really were RAD AS FUCK! There is a special place in H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks reserved for all posers and desperate Trendoid cyborgs whom feast on and attempt to sneak thief our rich culture ... Die Yuppie/Buppie/Art Fag scum! Die! Forgive my brief rant Livestyle readers, however, please understand that I am nothing if not passionate about the history of Old New York.
That having been said, imagine my delight when I received an email from the good people @ Digital Gravel this morning pitching me the Double Down NYC "Jumbo" Crack Vial Polo Shirt. As if salvaged from the stained and cigarette burned shag rug in an O.G. fiends apartment and lovingly stuffed into mock red tops for public consumption, this ingenious rugby (available in 4 colorways) features a subtle yet bold old school crack vial applique on the chest. Whoa! Chris Live is a handsome hustler ... I L.O.V.E. to look good in the hood. Besides, the crack boom wasn't so b-a-d, remember how cheap VCR's were going for in the streets? LOL.
Now, admittedly, from the pictures alone, the cut on this shirt does look a little long on the short sleeves and a tad-bit short on the actual collar-to-hem body length. Be that as it may, I still fuxs with this $80 "88" ready rock inspired ready to wear release. This is like C.ash M.oney B.rothers meets Brooks Brothers my G! Word to Nino Brown!
wow thats a wild shirt - nick every