Thursday, August 6, 2009

Caught On Camera: Video Of Miami Rapper Brisco Robbed @ Gunpoint In Hometown Barbershop + A Hip Hop Cops Commentary = Hilarious.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Tellingly, the 1st time (NOTE:  And quite possibly the last time ... lol) that Miami rapper Brisco receives any type of coverage on this brilliant blog it will be because he was recently the victim of a robbery in his hometown barbershop. Much like his "talent" (or lack thereof) there is nothing special here - homie got gaffled and it could have happened to anybody my nig. It is what it is. Now, for something truly special, please pay close attention to the Miami Dade police officer's commentary on this still developing case @ the 1:40 mark of this video ... classic!

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