Friday, July 10, 2009

MGMT - Electric Feel = For The Record: Y.O.U. Need This Song In Your Friday Night Life.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: For the record, I am in no way, shape or form 1 of those "Hip Hop Is Dead" pessimistic assholes represented by the law firm of Crybabystein and Rosenberg attempting to draft a class action lawsuit against the culture that I so L.O.V.E. On the contrary, whatever problems that I have with the current trendoid dominated music climate, I am fully confident that integrity will ultimately prevail and that Livestyle will continue to find a home in the hearts and minds of anybody who is genuine - this is the truest hybrid of art and commerce.

Be that as it may, Y.O.U. are a fool if Y.O.U. only listen to rap music or any other single genre for that matter. Y.O.U. had better get up on the homies Ben Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden and MGMT. *Cue Young Jeezy Voice* "Oh yeah", I'ma probably get drunk and dance to "Electric Feel" a few times tonight ... lol.  Did I mention that these über talented psychedelic-pop shape shifters are from Brooklyn too? Listen and L.O.V.E. it. You're welcome. You're ALL welcome!

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