Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Lee @LFame Adams!

This may not be LiveStyle worthy but f*!^ it! I'm bending the rules dammit!  It's my brother-from-another-mother/best friend's birthday and I am thankful to see that he has survived this year with me.  I encourage everyone reading this follow this star on Twitter @LFame and watch him shine (NOTE:  Please feel free to gran your sunnies right ... about ... NOW!) because this D.C. bred St. Croix native is a musical force to be reckoned with.  Message to L Fame:  Look, I can't sing to Y.O.U. because that's your department , but I sincerely hope that Y.O.U. had a chance to see this. Save me a bottle or two! I love Y.O.U.!

Signing Off...

EDITOR'S NOTE: CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Tsk, tsk, tsk little sis! Of course a birthday shout out is in order and is in direct accordance with the Livestyle by-laws that govern this great community of ours (which Y.O.U. would know if Y.O.U. ever took the time to read our charter ... lol). Oh yeah, the fact that the homie is from the jewel of the U.nited S.tates Virgin Islands, St. Croix, don't hurt either ... lol. Fuck around, me and son might be related yo. Happy Birthday L Fame! Welcome to excellence!

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