Monday, July 13, 2009

GROW UP: The Rémy Martin Louis XIII Experience Cognac x Culinary Tour = Proper French Toast.

"The famed House of Rémy Martin, founded all the way back in 1724, has a new and unique culinary journey in the heart of Cognac, France. The great gastronomic tour, part of the House's Les Rendez-Vous Rémy Martin, focuses on Louis XIII, the jewel of Rémy's cellar and the most celebrated cognac in the world, as well as the birthplace of cognac itself. The day-long Louis XIII Experience gives visitors access to the "most coveted secrets and treasures" of the renowned cognac house, centered on a private tour through Le Grollet, the Rémy Martin family's historic estate and private cellar.

Guests will experience elite tastings of the prized Grande Champagne Cognac along with a private lunch and dinner prepared by the House of Rémy Martin's Executive Chef, Philippe Saint Romas, in either the historic distillery or a private dining room. Prior to joining Rémy Martin, Saint Romas worked in world-renowned kitchens including Paris' Michelin-starred Senderens Les Ambassadeurs in the Hôtel de Crillon as well as with Alain Ducasse. Visitors also will have the chance to explore the estate's wine pressing hall and view the historic stone stills. Guests are invited to appreciate the cognacs, chosen by cognac's only female Cellar Master, Pierrette Trichet, and offered the chance to learn how to blend cognac to their preference.

Louis XIII rarest reserve cognac was created in 1874 by the House of Rémy Martin. It is described as an "intricate alchemy" blended from 1,200 eaux-de-vie, created from the chalky soils of Grande Champagne, the best growing area of the France's Cognac region. Louis XIII ages up to 100 years in specially crafted oak barrels called tierçons (above). Four generations of cellar masters perfected the unique blend of myrrh, honey, plum, honeysuckle, wood bark, leather and passion fruit that goes in to Louis XIII, making it the most complex and prestigious cognac in the world. The precious elixir comes bottled in a Baccarat crystal decanter with fleur-de-lys stopper.

The four-hour Discover Rémy Martin package includes a tour of the House of Rémy Martin in Cognac and the Merphins Estate for a cognac-tasting session. Appetizers and lunch follow at Club Rémy Martin. €160 (about $216).

The nine-hour Rémy Martin for the Epicurean package starts with a tour of vineyards or the Rémy Martin cooperage, and then moves on to a distillery tour where you can taste recently distilled eaux-de-vie. Lunch in the distillery before a tour of the Merpins Estate and House of Rémy Martin in Cognac. The day ends with dinner in a private dining room. €380 (about $513).

The 10-hour Louis XIII Experience is a customizable package, which highlights the luxury of Louis XIII and the Cognac region. Take a private tour through the family estate and private cellar, taste prized cognac, and enjoy a private lunch and dinner. €850 (about $1,147).

Prices on Les Rendez-Vous Rémy Martin packages include taxes and are guaranteed through Dec. 31, 2009. For more information, visit"

Information Courtesy Of:Luxist.Com x Visitremymartin.Com

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: All alcohol is NOT created equal. While we all L.O.V.E. a good shot of Hennessy or, if Y.O.U. prefer, chilled Ketel One vodka, some drinks are made to be pounded and others are made to be savored. I take it that as a loyal Livestyle reader Y.O.U. are already well acquainted with the iconic Louis Vuitton lifestyle firm, so, please allow me to introduce Y.O.U. to another famous Louis - Rémy Martin Louis XIII.

Created in 1874, this superlative Grande Champagne Cognac digestif blended from the white in color and light tasting eaux-de-vie brandy grape is the Dom Perignon of cognacs my friend. Now, it is 1 thing to possess a discerning palate capable of appreciating such a distinguished taste, however, in order to truly capture the entire Louis XIII experience, you've gotta cross the Atlantic and take it to Cognac, France for the Rémy Martin Louis XIII Experience Cognac & Culinary Tour.

The family behind this legendary luxury libation has graciously opened up their estate and private cellars to offer cognac enthusiasts a 1-of-a-kind opportunity. Believe it or not - excluding the airfare - even the premium 10 hour day long excursion estate package costs less than an actual bottle of Louis XIII; making this trip a relative bargain. Y.O.U. gotta L.O.V.E. it! Respect my rationale ... lol. Holla @ ya boy in BK!

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