Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jeremih - Birthday Sex (Video Preview Teaser) x A LiveStyle Special Commentary.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Sadly, gone are the days when the word "longevity" was actually an integral part of the conversation with regard to new musical acts - or, really, any entertainer for that matter. Today's bumper crop of "talent" often has about as much chance of staying power as their Antares© Auto-Tune™ enabled voices have of realistically holding a note ... lol.

Is this "Birthday Sex" song catchy in that "Girl-you-know-I-I-I"-hear-this-shit-so-much-so-now-I-kind-of-like-it kind of way? Yes. However, much like happened to Flo-Rida and, even worse Mims, I honestly think that this record is just waaaaaaaaay bigger than Jeremih and anything else that he could ever hope to release hereafter. Yeah, "1 Hit Wonder" land is about to get a brand new resident. It is what it is.

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