Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"We Fight Every Night, Now That's Not Kosher, I Reminisce With Bliss Of When We Was Closer"

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Previously recognized here in the annals of Livestyle as the "polite man's kicking a bitch to the curb anthem", "Looking At The Front Door" is a classic Hip Hop record that hearkens back to a time when talented MC's spun tales deeply rooted in all facets of "real" life and were not afraid to convey an emotional range that encompassed more than just gleeful ignorance and senseless violence. All of my fellas know that this song is, more or less, 3 minutes and change of pure timeless truisms and quotables courtesy of notable Senior Lecturer in Foul Female Psychology: the meritorious Large Professor. Yessir, women have Faith and Mary J. Blige (Ok, we've got Mary too ... lol) and we have this!

Sidebar: I remember DJ Clark Kent once telling me that Jay-Z had actually remade this gem a few years back. Rumor or fantastic fact? Either way, this shit sounds like something that the world needs to hear ASAP my nigga. Sooooooooooooo, will some enterprising and/or benevolent (NOTE: Heart and commerce CAN coexist ... lol) soul leak this elusive exclusive to the streets OR will the Seagate™ Firewire drive locked in the combination safe @ Bassline Studios forever hold it's peace? Is this song destined to suffer the same excruciatingly indefinite fate as the Dream Hampton penned "The Black Book" autobiography? What's really good?

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