Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MSNBC Originals Presents: Marijuana Inc. AKA The Chronic Chronicles Of Brad Piff x Angelina Roll-Weed.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Although their news coverage lacks the 24/7 expansive programming punch of their cable competitors, MSNBC, when they are actually "On Air", have come the closest to achieving the "fair and balanced" reporting standards that other disingenuous news outlets only claim to aspire to.

While I pride myself on the fact that I gather news from opposing ends of the news spectrum (Faux News included ... sometimes ... lol) and have conditioned myself to filter through the mountains of bullshit and partisan hyperbole, thereby forming, as best I can, my own true opinion of matters regarding our world, MSNBC has quickly become my go-to source for quality broadcast journalism.

I watch "Morning Joe" every morning and go to sleep every night with visions of Tamron Hall dancing in my head and on weekends - when everybody @ MSNBC goes home and leaves the station staffed with 2 news anchors, 2 camera men, 1 lonely intern and a vending machine - I have also really started to fuck with their "MSNBC Originals" series of documentaries. Tacit tales of prison, prostitution and other fucked up shit are their normal fare, however, MSNBC is stepping up to the plate and putting their best foot-age forward ... lol.

"NEWBOs" airs in 2 days - and that's great - but, I've gotta post this documentary entitled "Marijuana Inc." for all of my smokers! LOL. Word up, yall might fuck around and catch cottonmouth just looking @ this video ... lol. Legalize it! Holla @ ya boy in BK!

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