Monday, February 16, 2009

"Brothers Are Amused By Other Brother's Reps, But The Thing To Know Best Is Where The Gun Is Kept"

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: What can I say about Gangstarr? If Y.O.U. don't know these men and their extensive catalogue of genre defining hits, then Y.O.U. don't know Hip Hop and Y.O.U. most certainly do not deserve to be reading this blog! LOL. Hailing from Texas and Boston respectively, DJ Premier (NOTE: DJ Premier was born in Brooklyn although he relocated to Houston, Texas, where he spent much of his formative years) and Guru embraced Brooklyn sometime during the 1980's and have been reppin' us lovely ever since.

Now, sure, Guru is a mediocre lyricist @ best, however, as he so eloquently put it in a record by the same name, "It's Mostly The Voice". What Guru lacked as an MC, he made up for in tenor and artistic vision and his cohesive union with Primo produced hood classics like 1991's "Just To Get A Rep" off of Gangstarr's "Step In The Arena" album. This song successfully captures @ snapshot in time from not so long ago when drugs weren't the only lucrative grind in town.

There have always been stick up kids and "jostlers" in this game, but, @ the height of the "Crack Era" - when even a lowly "lookout" could conceivably make $500 a day - bigger predators adapted to the bigger prey and made those that were too weak to maintain forcibly pay.

Shit aint sweet today though and that goes double for back then. Word to the wise: Like my big homie Clyde has been known to say in Winters past as we convened on Crooke Avenue sippin' chilled Grey Goose vodka, "Never leave a wounded animal". Basically, what goes around comes around and "Just To Get A Rep" tells this universal story to a "T" my nigga. Y.O.U. already know what it is. Oh yeah, this video makes me wanna break out my O.G. Patrick Ewing kicks (complete with the rubberized miniature basketball keychain) and a fresh snap-back Starter© cap early! LOL. Holla @ ya boy in BK!

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