CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Inextricably linked by perceptions of race, power, yet, hopefully, not fate (NOTE: Neither the honorable Obama family nor this nation could handle such an event), Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and President Elect Barack Obama are now joined by date as the inauguration of our 44th President and 1st Black man to hold the office comes just 1 day after today, the national holiday honoring MLK. Not only does GOD have a sense of humor, he also has a divine sense of timing.
While not the complete fruition of Dr. Martin Luther King's "Dream" that some people will have Y.O.U. believe his election is evidence of, Barack Obama is but 1 magnificent component in the realization of that proud "Dream". Yes, we stand on the cusp of history. The struggle is not done, however, the crescendo of unity and renewed post-partisan and "post-racial" (whatever that means) interest in community and politics that Barack Obama has set in motion is certainly a landmark of great significance on the road to the Promised Land of true equality.
As a child, MLK Day was just a day off from school for me and, honestly, I resented the mainstream embrace of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in death and, instead, sought solace in the teachings of other great, more militant, Black leaders such as Marcus Garvey and, of course, Malcolm X. Thankfully, as I have matured I have become better able to appreciate the complexities of MLK and his incredible, indelible impact on the entire world.
Dr. Martin Luther King did not fight for a singular triumph, he fought for us ALL and, for that, we ALL owe it to him and, indeed, ourselves to continue to strive for excellence as a people. GOD bless.
The speech heard 'round the world. The "I Have A Dream" homily delivered August 28, 1963. Pay attention yall.
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