Friday, December 19, 2008

"The Young Are Trifle, True And Living Like A Cycle"

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Although, following Wu-Tang Clan's breakout success after 36 Chambers, their "affiliates" managed to release some of the worst music that I have ever had the displeasure of hearing, Sunz Of Man were my niggas. Not in the personal sense, but, their Brooklyn bop coupled with intricate rhyme schemes peppered with 5% Lessons (I'm gonna have to feed Y.O.U. some Supreme Mathematics on here 1 day in order for Y.O.U. to truly appreciate much of New York City's classic Hip Hop songs) and nods to the Holy Tabernacle Ministries headed by Dr. Malachi Z. York, felt as if they were lifted right from my adolescent mind as I composed my own rhymes in my head whilst riding the F, N and A trains to and from school. Yeah, The Sunz Of Man are official homie.

Look @ this video and pay close attention. I had the privilege of rising from these streets where Army fatigue clad congregations gathered on corners in front of bulletproof windowed 24 hour stores twisting nickle bags, looking for "victims", kickin' it to shorties, serving custis and exchanging ideas regarding life and The New World Order. Livestyle is all about evolution of taste, sound, style and, ultimately, Y.O.U. as a person. For me, this video provides a pretty accurate description of the pre-gentrified Brooklyn that made me, Mr. 401K, Charms, S.B., Rob Young, Marco Polo, Sincere, Scarface Mello and a host of other real niggas. Authentic.

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