Sunday, December 28, 2008

McDonald's McNuggets Lovin' = Fat Ass Baby Maker Music.

A great song + the gorgeous, yet not-nearly-as-popular-as-she-shoud-be-given-her-looks-and-her-immense-talent Daphne Duplaix = my current favorite commercial (or, @ least, a contender for that spot ... lol). C'mon, "Oh girl I know your secret (You dippin' on me?)/Got that McNuggets lovin'/It just ain't fair why can't you share your love with me" are the type of poignant lyrical compositions seldom heard in today's crop of Top 40 R&B crappola ... lol. Y.O.U. will L.O.V.E. this song homie ... trust me. Holla @ ya boy in BK!

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