Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Bulletproof, Ready For Action, No Fronting Fully Loaded Tec Chump Ready To Go Hunting"

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Sadly, as is the case with too many of the great artists that I stumble across whilst strolling down memory lane, Queens, New York bred gutter soundscape creators, The Beatnuts, rarely get mentioned in great Hip Hop conversations. While I will fully acknowledge that Psycho Les and JuJu are by no stretch of the imagination EPMD, their impact on the game on both the artist and the production side is sorely underappreciated. The Beatnuts have a heavy discography and, dammit, Y.O.U. need to know about it!

Back when artists had the presence of mind to release well put together E.xtended P.lay albums as opposed to the long tracklist/short playback value projects that most niggas drop today, The Beatnuts released the criminally forgotten gem that is the 1993 New York City masterpiece "Intoxicated Demons: The EP".

I was barely into my teens when their 1st official single "Reign Of The Tec" hit the streets. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan, all I knew when I 1st laid adolescent eyes on this video was that these Latin brothers were wildin' on camera with the Tech-9's out reenacting Bodega store robberies and cutting coke. Oh yeah, I was also under the distinct impression that somebody around my way must have loved this video and, in order to show that L.O.V.E., charged a good $500 a week to The Box because I swear that I saw this shit like 100 times per day for like 6 months straight ... lol.

Although members of the Hip Hop "Hippie" collective The Native Tongues, The Beatnuts were always about getting drunk, fucking chicas and running drugs. Yeah, that sounded great to me back then too ... lol. Please join me in saluting these men. Good shit.

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