Monday, November 17, 2008

Layla Kayleigh Surprises Unsuspecting Fan @ Home x Shocks Him Into Early Onset Puberty On Camera!

If Y.O.U. watch this video closely enough, Y.O.U. might very well be able to pinpoint exactly when the beautiful (and, apparently, super thoughtful) Layla Kayleigh's unannounced visit to a lucky fan's house inadvertently sends said fan's 13 year old body into spontaneous premature pubescent combustion! Thanks to the tremendous advances in video imaging and voice recognition technology, I believe that we can safely theorize, as a result of sheer shock and a hopeless inability to control his hormones as they lay mutiny to his motor skills, that this boy experiences puberty @ approximately the 1:11 mark of the video ... lol. In related news, it has been reported that the lil homie has not stopped smiling since ... lol.

SIDENOTE: While I have not been a heavy video game player for quite some time now, I do watch the G4 channel in order to get my COPS and Cheaters junkfood T.V. show fix on a regular basis.

It was after 1 of those hardcore real reality-T.V. binges that I awoke in a stupor greeted by Ms. Kayleigh's brilliant smile and her lilting British accent yammering about some shit on The Feed. Yeah, I've had my eye on shorty for a minute ... a few fortnights mate ... lol.

Sooooooooooooooooo, long story short, are Y.O.U. trying to tell me that, all of this time, all that a nigga needed to do was A) friend request and then B) write Layla Kayleigh on Myspace AKA Spyspace (patent pending) and I could get a personal visit @ mi casa too? Really? Who knew?

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