Monday, November 10, 2008

Jonah Hill Vs. Kanye West - Connect Four©

My Connect Four© prowess is unmatched and has earned me high marks and a wealth of respect throughout the years. Alas, with great power comes great responsibility though and, sadly, my Connect Four© competitive dominance has cost me some relationships (NOTE: Girls do NOT like being bested in a duel of vertical checkers ... lol).

I don't know who this Jonah Hill character is (I keed, I keed), but, I have seen Kanye West in Connect Four© action before and, while I do respect his game, I would like to take this time to formally call him out. That's right! I challenge Kanye West to a Connect Four© War ... anytime, anywhere ... lol. Let's see if he accepts. What's good?

1 comment:

  1. thats that dude from superbad.... its gotta be.

    kanye sure ain't... "the best in the woooorld"

    so so peedie!
