Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Special 30 Minute Barack Obama Campaign Commercial AKA Y.O.U. Are Now Baracking With The Best!

With the election only days away I have increasingly become a bit touchy about the direction and overall tone of the Obama Campaign's message. They have done nothing wrong (aside from Joe "Foot-In-Mouth" Biden and his irresponsible comments to Democratic fundraisers last week which raised the specter of Obama being "tested" by hostile world leaders should he become President of The United States) and I would like for them to keep it that way. Basically, it's prevent defense time. Now is no time for tricks; stick the script and get this man into office. Understandably, in light of such very real concerns, I was unsure of exactly how an HD Techni-Color Obama-Vision infomercial would "play in Peoria" ... lol.

I mean, from the outset, many of the attacks levied against Barack Obama have assailed his success and have egregiously conflated his personal excellence with elitism and, @ this point of his candidacy, I did not want this display to come off as arrogant and presumptuous. Thankfully, it did not.

This 30 minute buy out that blared across 7 major networks earlier tonight @ 8PM was host to a brilliant narrative that was less about Obama than it was about the people whom he's had the pleasure of meeting and speaking to along the campaign trail. This montage of memories was a highlight reel of the real "real" America covering the entire poly-ethnic, mulit-aged and multi-cultural range of the electorate. Somebody needs to pass the word to that bird Sarah Palin. Y.O.U. know what? On 2nd thought, don't bother. Oh yeah, contrary to John McLame and his legion of liars and lobbyists, Barack Obama's T.V. spot did NOT preempt the ever important 2008 World Series (Which the Philadelphia Phillies won by the way. Kudos.), it simply knocked out the pregame show to a game that, thanks to major rain delays, was being rejoined in the bottom of the 6th inning anyway.

If Y.O.U. have not yet seen it - watch it NOW. If Y.O.U. have already seen it - Y.O.U. know that Y.O.U. want to watch it again. Barack Obama has done his part and now, come November 4th, we ALL must do ours. Take nothing for granted.

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