Friday, October 24, 2008

Saturday Night Live Is So Live That They Had To Start The Jokes On Thursday.

NOTE: For some reason, major media outlets have horrible computer integration when it comes to embeddable players and, unfortunately, the same holds true for NBC. Their media player sucks! In lieu of the full clip that's available online @ NBC.Com, I put up this bullshit clip. It is what it is. Enjoy.

For the last few weeks, and running up until the actual election, Saturday Night Live has been pulling double duty and giving straight up comedy fans and political partisans alike a special Thursday night serving of their currently super sharp wit and biting satirical commentary regarding this year's election season.

Tina Fey came back and has more or less stayed on to hold an eerie mirror up to Republican V.P. candidate Sarah Palin's unqualified face, so, it only made sense for SNL to bring back the great Will Ferrell on last night's episode to reprise his hilarious George W. Bush impersonation. I mean, it is a scientific fact that 60% of the time Will Ferrell is funny all of the time ... lol. Y.O.U. already know that this has to be good.

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