Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rack-Lo Knows More About Polo Than Kanye West Ever Will. True Story.

Thank Y.O.U. Rack-Lo! Although I came up as a Baby Decept and we thumped with these niggas on sight, as time has gone by and we all have matured, I have honestly grown to appreciate these real Brooklyn niggas and the impact that they've had on Hip Hop and, indeed, the world.

Sadly, there are far too many kids running around New York City mindlessly following tacky and faggy trends and, even worse, attempting to homogenize history effectively reducing it to novelty 1980's flashback costume status. Look, I don't begrudge anybody their right to expand upon and enjoy what we built in "The Borough", but please know that when it comes to the ill Ralph Lauren I.T.'s, gold "fronts" (what today's children commonly refer to as "grillz") Smith ski goggles, Fila velour suits and Timbs, Brooklyn did it 1st homie. Certain things are simply NOT up for debate. Truth is truth.

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