Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Charles S. Dutton (Star Of 1990's T.V. Show "Roc") Hits On Nicki Minaj?

Now, it's your turn ... caption this picture my nigga! NOTE: Yes, I am fully aware that the cornball in the butterfly collar cavalcade of colorful stripes shirt is NOT Charles S. Dutton, but he does damn sure look like him ... lol.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, upon further inspection though, the more that I look @ this photo, the more I am beginning to seriously consider whether or not the guy in this picture is actually the lead singer of R&B group Silk of "There's A Meeting In My Bedroom" fame. Y.O.U. see the pictures ... the evidence is staggering ... lol. Y.O.U. make the call.


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