Sunday, October 19, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: General Colin Powell Publicly Endorses Barack Obama For President Of The United States Of America!

Over the years I have been highly critical of General Colin Powell and his seemingly silent acceptance of the Republican Party's indifference towards minorities and the Bush Administration's (of which he was once an integral part) deliberate mischaracterizations and, indeed, lies that dragged our country into war. Simply stated, I had expected much more from such a smart, talented and decorated military veteran, who is from The Bronx, New York, than I had been seeing from him and I was disappointed, to put it mildly. Son wasn't taking full advantage of his position. Today, however, this Black man stood up for us ALL.

If Y.O.U. do nothing else with your Sunday, I implore Y.O.U. to watch and then re-watch this video.

Colin Powell, with great eloquence and intellectual integrity, summarizes why Barack Obama should be the next President of The United States and, more importantly, asks some very serious questions of his Republican Party. Why have the Republicans turned the word "Muslim" and the religion of Islam into labels that must be repudiated by ANYBODY seeking office lest they lose their political life? Why has the "conservative" branch of the Republican Party become increasingly less "inclusive", xenophobic and flat out racist over the last 8 years?

Conversely, how many of Y.O.U. have noticed the large number of true "conservative" Republicans that have come out in support of Barack Obama? From the immensely respected Senator Chuck Hagel to conservative writer and son of William F. Buckley JR. (the founder of the modern American conservative movement and their prized periodical of choice The National Review) Christopher Buckley and, now, General Colin Powell. Each of these important individuals mentioned share 2 things in common with ALL of us: 1) they each support Barack Obama and 2) they each have 1 vote. Basically, we ALL have to play our part come November 4th! Take nothing for granted.

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