Saturday, October 18, 2008

Barack Obama @ The Annual Al Smith Dinner Proves That He Might Actually Be "Too Awesome".

This auspicious fundraiser dinner held for the Catholic Charities has been an important pit stop on the presidential campaign trail since 1960. Oh yeah, if your friends ask or Y.O.U. just want to slide in a random factoid to further cement your brilliance, Al Smith was the 42nd Governor of New York City and ran for president in 1928, but got his ass handed to him by Herbert Hoover ... lol.

Anyway, this annual dinner turns into a "roast" of sorts every 4 years and, as customary, both candidates lick a few shots in the other's direction. At this event, McLame was aight, but he was NOT real. You've gotta watch the homie Barack Obama go for his. Good shit!

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