Friday, September 5, 2008

Ralph Lauren Creates A Scent That Only He Can Afford.

L to R: Anna "The Devil Wears Ralph Lauren" Wintor, Ralph Lauren & Ricky Lauren.

According to Marketingweek.Co.Uk Ralph Lauren is launching his “super premium” perfume @ Harrods in October; it will come in a gold-plated bottle.

"The fragrance is aimed at women aged 25 years old and over with “high spending powers”.

Antny Rankin, senior marketing and product manager at Ralph Lauren, says Love is the brand’s most exclusive fragrance will have “a more engaging marketing strategy than a blanket media campaign” to support its launch."

Information Courtesy Of: Marketingweek.Co.Uk

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: If you've been reading this blog @ all, you already know that Ralph "Lipschitz" Lauren is my guy ... point, blank, period. Be that as it may, he is buggin' with the $4,000 price tag for his new fragrance entitled "Love". Nothing smells that good.

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