Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kim Kard-ASS-hian: The Gas Station Face 9-22-08 x Dancing With The Stars Round 1.

NOTE: The last 2 pictures in this entry are outtakes from a recent photoshoot with Australian publication Ralph Magazine.

My brother-from-another-mother-although-his-mother-is-like-my-mother and a man whom I've had the pleasure of knowing since kindergarten, Mr. 401 K and I have reached an impasse regarding Kim Kardashian. Not only does he not see anything special about her (Whaaaaaaat!?), he also thinks that she has butt pads! Now, while I will NOT don a "Captain Save A Hoe" cape for this for woman, I will respectfully disagree with my brother on both counts. Stop frontin' son.   

Hopefully, after viewing this Dancing With The Stars clip, no matter what which side Y.O.U. stand on with regard to this most pressing booty tissue issue of our times, we can ALL agre that shorty will probably NOT win this game show ... lol. Did anybody else hear the female judge tell Kim Kardashian that she moves as if "she's not used to moving her head"? Word? Y.O.U. must not know her too well ... lol.

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