Friday, September 26, 2008

Jew The Right Thing x Vote For Obama!

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.
Some people find this woman stupid offensive and maybe they have a point, however, she is an equal opportunity offender and Y.O.U. have to respect that. Oh, Y.O.U. don't have to respect that? Ok, Ok ... no problem. Well, hopefully this hilarious video will change your mind fuck face! LOL.

Seriously though, Jews need to disavow the racist Conservative smear campaign talking points that they've been force fed and do the right thing this election year.

Hey, are Y.O.U. Jewish? Yeah? Well get your ass down to a nursing home or a Bingo game or something and spread the word homie ... lol.

I applaud Sarah Silverman and the good people @ for their great efforts. Le' Chiam!

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