Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Original Jerry Springer.



This Video = The Pièce de résistance! 

There's something about going to school as a kid that makes you believe that there's this secret world of adult activity bustling about outside in the streets while you're stuck in school nose deep in your Phonics book.  When I would fake being sick or, when I got older and just started slashing and cutting large portions of my academic program, I would always play the crib in the morning and watch The Richard Bey Show on Channel 9 (UPN?) WWOR TV.  Yes, it was without a doubt the most boorish and off the hook show of it's time and I loved every embarrassing minute of it.  

I guess that, towards the end of his run, Richard Bey wanted to string together any self respect and artistic legitimacy that he thought he had left and he started trying to tackle real topics and shit.  It was simply too late though and the monsters that he had created kept it moving and got their mind numbing T.V. fix from Jerry Springer and his daily freak show fights.  I saw him in Midtown Manahattan once a few years ago and he had some nice arm candy with him ... his show's been off the air for over 10 years and he's still pimpin' yo ... lol. Anyway Mr. Bey: Thanks for the mammaries. 

Pay Bey A Visit And Say, "A-Bey-Bey": Richardbey.Org

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