Friday, July 18, 2008

The White Castle Crumbles: Scott Storch Scorched His Mini-Fortune!

See, now THIS is why stereotypes can be dangerous and incredibly inaccurate. Not all Jewish people are good with money. Scott Storch over-played himself. He'll be aight though. I knooooooooooow that Timbaland is about to do a cycle of roids and is laughing his ass off right now!

Once a top producer, Storch's musical empire falls
July 18, 2008, 7:21 AM EST

Just a few years ago, Scott Storch was one of the top producers in pop music, living in a $10.5 million mansion on an exclusive Miami island, driving a phalanx of luxury cars and dating the likes of Paris Hilton and Lil Kim.

Nowadays, Scott Storch, 34, is missing in action. He owes over $500,000 in real estate taxes and had a warrant out for his arrest when he failed to show up in court in a child-support case last month. He has not had a top 10 hit in three years. He still has his waterfront marble mansion, but his lawyer, Guy Spiegelman, says Storch is attempting to refinance it after a "catastrophic occurrence this year" resulting from "mismanagement." Storch no longer works with his old manager or publicist. He hasn't talked to either of his children in months.

Read The Full Story Here.

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