I would imagine that, for many of us, it has become all too easy to blame White Republicans and the Neo-Conservative radical right-wing of that party for more or less EVERYTHING that's wrong with the USA today. Many of us had hoped that at least the Democratic Party and Liberals in particular had honestly set a place at their political table for us and that they really, really did like us! LOL.
I would be more than remiss if I were not to acknowledge the great strides that Blacks (I'm not a huge fan of the whole generic "African-American" categorization crap) & Latinos have made in this country, however, this year's election process is really pointing out some sad truths about our actual standing in America today. The appreciation of our input and involvement in governance appears to be conditional @ best.
It's no secret that most minorities have blindly hitched their political wagons to the Democratic Party and, with the Republican Party's downright indifference and disdain towards our problems, I can understand why. Guess what though? More alarming has been the so-called Liberal power structure's response to the rise of Barack Obama. Look, he is NOT the greatest thing since Sweedish Fish© candy ... I know that. If you do not like him based on his platform or whatever that's not only cool, that is your right. It's just fucked up when the people who are supposed to be "progressive" harbor such acrimonious resentment towards a person for simply being a Black man succeeding in America. Where are WE supposed to fit in?
Geraldine Ferraro has been a vapid cunt of a politician for a minute and there are a gang of haters out there, from both parties, rolling right along with her. Shit, look @ Jesse "Extramarital-Affair-Baby-On-The-Side-Action" Jackson. Now, the esteemed New Yorker Magazine goes and publishes this obscene cover. Wowzers! I mean, I think that I get what they were TRYING to do - they seem to have been trying to make a joke of all of the ridiculous fear mongering going on with regard to Obama, his middle name and his values. The problem is that, without context, this picture staring you in the face on a newsstand might very well have the opposite impact on readers ... they might believe this caricature to be accurate, especially on the cover of magazine of record like the New Yorker. Come on! Why does Barack OR his wife Michelle have to be known as "Young Terrorist Fist Jab" from now on? There's a difference between being provocative and inappropriate yo. Isn't this what they have an executive editorial staff for?
I would be more than remiss if I were not to acknowledge the great strides that Blacks (I'm not a huge fan of the whole generic "African-American" categorization crap) & Latinos have made in this country, however, this year's election process is really pointing out some sad truths about our actual standing in America today. The appreciation of our input and involvement in governance appears to be conditional @ best.
It's no secret that most minorities have blindly hitched their political wagons to the Democratic Party and, with the Republican Party's downright indifference and disdain towards our problems, I can understand why. Guess what though? More alarming has been the so-called Liberal power structure's response to the rise of Barack Obama. Look, he is NOT the greatest thing since Sweedish Fish© candy ... I know that. If you do not like him based on his platform or whatever that's not only cool, that is your right. It's just fucked up when the people who are supposed to be "progressive" harbor such acrimonious resentment towards a person for simply being a Black man succeeding in America. Where are WE supposed to fit in?
Geraldine Ferraro has been a vapid cunt of a politician for a minute and there are a gang of haters out there, from both parties, rolling right along with her. Shit, look @ Jesse "Extramarital-Affair-Baby-On-The-Side-Action" Jackson. Now, the esteemed New Yorker Magazine goes and publishes this obscene cover. Wowzers! I mean, I think that I get what they were TRYING to do - they seem to have been trying to make a joke of all of the ridiculous fear mongering going on with regard to Obama, his middle name and his values. The problem is that, without context, this picture staring you in the face on a newsstand might very well have the opposite impact on readers ... they might believe this caricature to be accurate, especially on the cover of magazine of record like the New Yorker. Come on! Why does Barack OR his wife Michelle have to be known as "Young Terrorist Fist Jab" from now on? There's a difference between being provocative and inappropriate yo. Isn't this what they have an executive editorial staff for?
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