Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Everything That Glitters Doesn't Even Go Gold!

Pic Courtesy Of: Hits Daily Double

I know that last week, after just 1 day of sales, I wasn't the only person to hear about the predicted humongous 1st week sales for this project, right?  I couldn't believe the ridiculous shit that I was hearing (700,00?), but a part of me was hoping that G-Unit would do well.  It's a good album yo.  Following right behind Weezy's monster 1st week sales, it would have been another strong showing for Hip Hop in this current doo-doo music market ... that would have been a good thing.  Does "T.O.S." now mean T.otally O.verrated S.ales?  Don't trip, you'll get 'em next time 50!

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