"If you're on Foursquare and you like to shop, you'll be excited to hear about Yipit, a new service that analyzes your check-ins and uses them to send you nearby deals. If you're not, here's a brief tutorial: Foursquare gives you points whenever you tell it that you've gone to a bar or restaurant, thereby alerting all of your friends to your nightly carousing and turning your social life into a video game.
Up until now, Foursquare hasn't been shopping-oriented, but Yipit uses its stored knowledge about your general migration patterns to set you up with sales and other deals based on where you tend to hang out. Non-Foursquare users can get it on the location-based fun, too: We plugged in Racked's Bowery HQ as a favorite location and immediately received a newsletter alerting us to Eva New York's 30% off sale."
Information Courtesy Of: Racked.Com
Visit Foursquare Online Here: Foursquare.Com
Visit Yipit Online Here (Official Site): Yipit.Com
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: I have recently found myself having to excoriate certain younger loved ones in my life for turning x_______________ (insert social network(s) of choice) into their personal soap box from which they announce all of the comings-and-goings of their days and nights and invite anyone within earshot/screenshot to join them @ their latest emotionally messy pitty party.
Now, for the record, it is not lost on me that this entry itself is a rant of sorts that I am communicating to the world via the Frankenstein-meets-The-Matrix monster that is the internet. I would submit to Y.O.U. though that the major difference between this site along with all of my other social interactions online is that I have a personal privacy clause that I shall never breach. Intimacy holds no value when it ceases to be exclusive. Sometimes less truly is more. That having been said, although I come from a time before this "Tell All" era, gosh darn it, there's just some shit about this new computer world that's flat out awesome ... or potentially so ... lol. Case In Point: Foursquare.
Apparently, this location-based social networking mobile application enables Y.O.U. and your friends to play a virtual game of tag - letting eachother know where Y.O.U. are, where you've been and where you're going around your city and scoring points along the way for discovering new dives and having more excellent adventures than Bill and/or Ted. Pretty cool. Additionally, friends can create "Top 12" lists of things that they've done (like bars and restaurants that they've enjoyed) and a "To Do List" of, well, things that they wanna do ... lol. Already dubbed in some circles as the next Twitter, by incorporating this impressive new Yipit service to alert web savvy shoppers of local deals that they might be interested in, Foursquare may have just successfully made the leap from bar hoppers to top shoppers.
Look, I'm still leary about telling all of yall where I'm @ on a Saturday night, but, I can't front homie, I am curious about this. Who knew that "Big Brother" could be so much fun? LOL. What say Y.O.U. my loyal Livestyle followers? Holla @ ya boy in BK!
1 comment:
Hey Chris,
Thanks so much for checking out Yipit - we really appreciate this writeup. We think we give our Foursquare users a great experience, but if there's ever anything you see that we could do better, don't be afraid to let me know.
Just reply to any Yipit email you receive, and I'll answer you personally.
Thanks again,
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