CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: If it has not been made abundantly clear by now, yes, my name is Chris Live AKA Shaker and I am a T.V. addict. I did not include the word "recovering" as a caveat because I have absolutely no intentions of stopping this habit ... lol. I spent my early years in various after school programs waiting for my parents to pick me up looooooooong after the school day had finished and, when I became old enough to move on my own, I became the prototypical New York City "latch key kid". I had too much time on my hands and, if I wasn't running the streets, I was @ the crib developing a wicked sense of humor and wit, which serves me quite well today, all thanks to my good ole television.
In spite of the harsh blame and condemnation that broadcasters receive from absentee parents, television has not made me a sedentary moron with no desire to explore the greater world @ large. In fact, T.V. during the 1980's inspired me to seek out adventure and, even today, remains an excellent contributory common thread in all of my creative endeavors. T.V. is great for those minds sharp enough to handle it.
Anyway, there are a gang of classic T.V. show intros from my rich childhood (which I will be covering), but I had to set it off with the A-Team yall. Only running for 3 years and 5 seasons (January 23, 1983 to December 30, 1986), the A-Team left an indelible mark on any kid that was truly raised (and not just born on December 31, 1989 ... lol) in the 80's. C'mon, "Hannibal" Smith, "Faceman", Murdock and last, but certainly not least, Bosco B.A. ("Bad Attitude") Baracus AKA Mr. T! Yeah, it gets no better than this!
NOTE: I don't know where all of these Lego renditions are coming from, but thay are the bees-knees ... lol.
only show i saw a thousand bullets let off and no one gets hit or die
LOL! Word, but that was the beauty of it yo.
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